Sunday, December 28, 2008

Remember that?

Nu stiam ca poate sa ma pufneasca/bufneasca plansul daca imi googlez numele=)).Sau pe al Alinei.Dar am gasit chestii tare dragute,de cand eram a 5a..
1. I do not like to say goodbye, I feel cold, lonely, I cry sometimes. In these
moments, when someone is leaving me, I feel empty.
2. In my dream I feel as like I am flying and I don’t want to leave that world.
Dreams are an imaginary world, where you can do everything. The dreams
are as fairy-tales. I like to fly, but I know my dream is not possible.
1. Saying goodbye means for me to remain alone, without friends, having no
one near me.
2. Dreams are the wishes that we want to transform into reality. My dream is
to have a big and good family, a lot of friends and a pet.
1. For me to say goodbye means that I am leaving someone, but depends on
the way it happens and under what circumstances.
2. The dreams are some pictures, that you have when you are sleeping and
they can bring you feelings of sadness or happiness. You don’t always
remember your dreams and they can mean wishes you have in the real life.
My dreams are very strange and sometimes I can’t explain them. If one of
my dreams could be possible, I’d try to make it come true by following, step
by step, the dream.

Pentru mine,doar numarul 1 mai e acum adevarat.
Am sa googlesc mai multe nume,vad ca descopar chestii interesante.

Ps:Nu e o amenintare=))

1 comment:

l.n said...

nu o sa crezi ca pe drum de la alba EXACT la astea ma gandeam.vroiam sa googalez numele lu sifilis.
vai ce dor imi e de vremurile alea>:D<